Sugarbush Resort in Vermont is a premier destination for adaptive skiing, offering a wide range of specialized equipment and programs to ensure that individuals with disabilities can enjoy the thrill of the slopes. From bi-skis tethered to trained volunteers to monoskis and other adaptive devices, Sugarbush is committed to making the sport of skiing accessible to all.
What Adaptive Skiing Devices are Available at Sugarbush Resort?
Sugarbush Resort offers a variety of adaptive skiing devices to cater to the diverse needs of skiers with disabilities. These devices include:
Bi-Ski Tethered to Volunteers: The bi-ski is a specialized ski designed for individuals who require additional support and guidance while skiing. At Sugarbush, bi-ski users are tethered to trained volunteers who provide assistance and control, allowing skiers to experience the joy of the sport safely and confidently.
Monoski: A monoski is a single ski designed for skiers who have mobility or balance issues. This device provides greater stability and control, enabling skiers with disabilities to navigate the slopes with ease.
Other Adaptive Equipment: Sugarbush Resort offers a range of other adaptive equipment, including specialized skis, snowboards, and various devices tailored to accommodate different types of disabilities.
What Safety Guidelines and Rules are in Place for Adaptive Skiing at Sugarbush?
Ensuring the safety and well-being of adaptive skiers is a top priority at Sugarbush Resort. The resort has implemented the following safety guidelines and rules:
Trained Instructors: Adaptive skiers must ski with trained instructors who are certified in adaptive skiing techniques and are knowledgeable about the specific needs of each skier. These instructors are equipped to provide the necessary guidance and support to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience.
Safety Protocols: Sugarbush Resort has established comprehensive safety protocols, including emergency response plans and communication systems, to address any potential incidents or emergencies that may arise during adaptive skiing sessions.
Equipment Maintenance: The resort diligently maintains and inspects all adaptive equipment to ensure its safety and reliability, providing adaptive skiers with the confidence to focus on their skiing experience.
What Adaptive Skiing Programs and Lessons are Available at Sugarbush?
Sugarbush Resort collaborates with Vermont Adaptive Ski & Sports, a renowned organization that specializes in providing adaptive skiing lessons and programs for individuals with disabilities. These offerings include:
Vermont Adaptive Ski & Sports: This partnership allows Sugarbush to offer a wide range of adaptive skiing and snowboarding lessons, as well as other winter sports activities, catering to skiers with various abilities and needs.
Scheduling and Costs: Lessons and programs are available year-round, with costs ranging from $35 for a two-hour canoeing session to $140 for a full-day ski lesson. Sugarbush also offers subsidized rates for school groups and advocacy organizations, ensuring accessibility for all.
Packages and Events: Sugarbush Resort organizes special events and packages, such as the Vermont Adaptive Charity Ride and the Vermont 100 Endurance Run, which support adaptive skiing programs and promote inclusivity in sports.
By offering these comprehensive adaptive skiing programs and resources, Sugarbush Resort is committed to empowering individuals with disabilities to experience the thrill of the slopes and the beauty of the Vermont winter landscape.