Comprehensive Guide to Freestyle Skiing Tricks

Freestyle skiing is an exhilarating and dynamic discipline that allows skiers to showcase their creativity, athleticism, and technical skills. From basic jumps to advanced aerial maneuvers, the world of freestyle skiing offers a thrilling and challenging experience for skiers of all levels. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the key elements for safe jump landings, delve into the most common freestyle skiing tricks, and provide a roadmap for progressing to more advanced techniques.

What are the Key Elements for Safe Jump Landings in Freestyle Skiing?

To learn to land jumps safely in freestyle skiing, it’s crucial to focus on the following key elements:

  1. Proper Body Positioning:
  2. Flex your ankles, knees, and hips as you approach the jump to maintain balance and control.
  3. Keep your weight centered over your skis, with your knees bent and your arms out for balance.

  4. Timing:

  5. Practice timing your jumps to ensure you are fully extended at the moment of takeoff, allowing for a smooth and controlled landing.

  6. Balance:

  7. Maintain a horizontal eyeline while in the air to avoid tilting off balance.
  8. Practice landing with a “four-point landing” (both skis and both poles) to improve balance and stability.

What are the Most Common Freestyle Skiing Tricks?

Freestyle skiing offers a wide range of tricks and maneuvers that skiers can learn and master. Here are some of the most common freestyle skiing tricks:

  1. Pop (Straight Air):
  2. A fundamental trick that involves jumping off a kicker and landing smoothly, focusing on proper body positioning and timing.

  3. Safety Grab:

  4. A basic grab where you reach under your boot and grab the outside edge and base of your ski, helping to maintain balance and control.

  5. 360:

  6. A classic spin that involves rotating 360 degrees in the air, requiring proper body positioning, timing, and balance.

  7. Ollie:

  8. A jumping technique that involves leaning forward, then throwing your weight backward to create momentum and maximize air time.

How Can I Progress to More Advanced Freestyle Skiing Tricks?

To progress from basic jumps to more advanced tricks like 360s and flips, follow these steps:

  1. Master Basic Jumps:
  2. Practice jumping and landing safely, focusing on proper body positioning, timing, and balance.

  3. Practice Spins:

  4. Start with small spins and gradually increase the rotation, focusing on maintaining balance and control.

  5. Practice Flips:

  6. Begin with small flips and gradually increase the height and rotation, focusing on proper body positioning and timing.

  7. Safety Measures:

  8. Always wear proper safety gear, including a helmet and knee pads.
  9. Practice with a buddy or instructor who can provide feedback and support.
  10. Start with small jumps and gradually increase the size as you gain confidence and skill.

Freestyle skiing is a thrilling and rewarding discipline that requires a combination of technical skills, physical conditioning, and mental focus. By mastering the key elements for safe jump landings, learning the most common freestyle skiing tricks, and following a progressive approach to more advanced maneuvers, you can unlock the full potential of this exciting sport. Remember to always prioritize safety, seek guidance from experienced instructors, and have fun as you explore the world of freestyle skiing.


  1. Reddit – How To Get Into Freestyle Skiing:
  2. How To Get Into Freestyle Skiing
    byu/L1_aeg inskiing

  3. Mpora – Easy Ski Tricks For Beginners:

  4. Easy Ski Tricks For Beginners | 10 Freestyle Tricks To Get You Started

  5. Alltracks Academy – Ski & Snowboard Freestyle Tricks Guide:


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