Cross Country Skiing in Rhode Island: A Comprehensive Guide

Cross-country skiing is a popular winter activity in Rhode Island, offering a peaceful and scenic way to enjoy the outdoors during the colder months. Whether you’re a seasoned skier or a beginner, Rhode Island has several options for cross-country skiing that cater to all skill levels. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the rental locations, popular trails, and private golf courses that offer cross-country skiing opportunities in the state.

Where Can I Rent Cross-Country Skiing Equipment in Rhode Island?

Where Can I Rent Cross-Country Skiing Equipment in Rhode Island?

Rhode Island has several rental locations that offer cross-country skiing equipment, including skis, poles, and shoes. Here are some of the top options:

  1. Eastern Mountain Sports (Warwick): This outdoor retailer rents cross-country equipment for $25 per day, with an additional $15 for each subsequent day. Contact them at 1000 Bald Hill Rd., Warwick, RI 02886, or call 401-304-1990.

  2. Anderson’s Ski & Dive Center (East Greenwich): This family-owned business has over 50 years of experience and offers a variety of brand-name equipment for skiing, snowboarding, and diving.

  3. Alpine Ski & Snowboard (Warwick): This shop provides ski and snowboard rentals, with packages starting at $40 per day for boots or skis only, and $50 per day for a full adult ski or snowboard package.

What Are the Popular Cross-Country Skiing Trails in Rhode Island?

Cross Country Skiing in Rhode Island

What Are the Popular Cross-Country Skiing Trails in Rhode Island?

Rhode Island offers several scenic and well-maintained trails for cross-country skiing. Here are some of the most popular options:

  1. Pulaski Park (Glocester): This park features trails ranging from less than a mile to four miles, and is recommended by Rhode Island Cross-Country Skiing. During hunting season, skiers must wear blaze orange.

  2. Lincoln Woods State Park (Lincoln): The Department of Environmental Management (DEM) recommends this park for its open areas and trails suitable for cross-country skiing. Parking can be challenging on weekends, but skiers can access the park via a greenway trail from Lonsdale.

  3. Chase Farm (Lincoln): This location offers big open areas and some hills, making it a popular choice for cross-country skiing. Parking can be difficult on weekends.

  4. Buttonhole Golf Course (Providence): This golf course is suitable for cross-country skiing and is located on Providence’s West Side.

  5. The Nature Conservancy’s Francis C. Carter Center (Charlestown): This nature preserve offers trails that are recommended by Rhode Island Cross-Country Skiing.

Can I Cross-Country Ski on Private Golf Courses in Rhode Island?

Can I Cross-Country Ski on Private Golf Courses in Rhode Island?

Yes, some private golf courses in Rhode Island allow cross-country skiing during the winter months. One notable example is the Buttonhole Golf Course in Providence, which is open for cross-country skiing. However, it’s important to note that you should always check with the course’s management before skiing, as policies may vary.



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